Thank you to outgoing Staff Senators

The Staff Senate would like to recognize the contributions of its outgoing senators ending their term this month. These elected volunteers help to provide great programming around staff support and recognition.

  • Keith Bateman, Athletics  (2 years of service)
  • Tracy Christianson, Student Affairs  (2 years of service)
  • Jill Davenport, Central Support Services  (3 years of service)
  • Sara Schlipp-Riedel, Alumni-Parent Relations  (2 years of service)

Please join the Staff Senate and the College in expressing gratitude for their work and true Auggie spirit!

Weiss presents at May Open Forum

Stephanie Weiss, director of news and media services, will present at the final Staff Senate Open Forum of the year.

Wednesday, May 28
Noon-12:30 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

The Augsburg College Staff Senate hosts monthly open forums to foster dialog on important matters across campus.

Shared governance report released

The Shared Governance at Augsburg College report, approved by the Board of Regents on May 2, 2014, sets goals to help meet the 2019 Strategic Plan goals for Augsburg to be “organized for collaboration, efficiency, and effectiveness.”

Many of these goals and activities will directly effect staff and Staff Senate.

Find the complete report on the College reports page on Inside Augsburg.


Congratulations to elected staff senators

Congratulations to the following staff elected to Staff Senate starting in the 2014-15 academic year.

  • Seth Lienard, Events and Conference Planning
  • Jim Matthias, IT
  • Dulce Monterrubio, Latin American Student Services
  • Martha Truax, Development

Thank you to everyone on the election ballot and thank you to all staff who voted in the election. The new Staff Senate terms begin in August with the annual retreat.

Jacobs, Bishop awarded Auggie Pride for April

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of April.

Jen_JacobsJennifer Jacobs, assistant compliance director and assistant volleyball coach

Nomination: “I’d like to nominate Jen Jacobs for an Auggie Pride Award because I believe a lot of the work she does within the area of compliance goes largely unnoticed, yet plays a major role in improving our college. I also want to lift up the recent initiatives she has been working on to re-work leadership training for first-year athletes, in addition to the work she has been doing with the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.”

Catherine Bishop, project manager in Academic Affairs

Nomination: “The transition to the new Adult Undergraduate program has required a major effort by staff and faculty. I have heard many comments about how essential Katie’s work has been to the successful launch of the new program. She has provided essential support to the transition. I think she is very deserving of this award and our appreciation.”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email

Staff Spring Social set for May 22

The Staff Spring Social will be held from 3-5 p.m. on Thursday, May 22 in the Quad.  In addition to dedicated social time and tasty food, be sure to enter to win one of several door prizes including gift certificates, a 2014-15 parking permit or an iPad Mini!  In case of rain, the event will be moved to the Christensen Center Commons.

April open forum focuses on philanthropy

Martha Truax, director of annual giving, and Ben Krouse-Gagne, assistant director of annual giving, will lead an interactive discussion to get people thinking about philanthropy at Augsburg.

Wednesday, April 23
Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

The Augsburg College Staff Senate hosts monthly open forums to foster dialog on important matters across campus.

Staff Senate Seeks Nominees by April 17

Staff Senate seeks awesome Auggies.

Be engaged in the Augsburg community by serving on Staff Senate. If you’d like to become a senator or nominate a colleague, send your candidates to by April 17.  Online elections will take place April 24 through May 1, determining our new representatives.

All nominees will be verified before being placed on election ballot. An email will be sent to all Augsburg staff with a link to the online election survey on April 24. Staff will have until May 1 to take the survey. The winners of the election will be notified by May 2.

Staff Senate Membership

ACSS is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term and two at-large members to be chosen, in every instance, by ACSS. All ACSS members have the option for a third year.

Members may serve more than one term. Those who have served a full term are not eligible for election for one calendar year after ending their term. A senator filling a vacancy (partial term) does not have to wait one year. If vacancy occurs during the year, a replacement will be appointed by ACSS to fill out the term. Elected members are replaced by the next highest voted nominee from their election. At-large members are replaced with a staff member chosen by ACSS.

Election Procedures

  • Time Frame: New members are elected to ACSS annually. The election process begins in April and is completed in May. Staff elected will begin their term in August, and are encouraged to participate in the summer events prior to their term.
  • Nomination and Voting Rights: Nominations are collected through e-mail and ballots are gathered from all staff through an online survey (staff eligible to vote are all permanent full- and part-time staff people 0.1+ not including union, MMEP, or temps). ACSS members are eligible to vote.
  • Composition of ACSS: It is recommended that members be at least .75 FTE, regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.

Cashman speaks at Open Forum March 26

Jesse Cashman, director of public safety, will speak at this month’s open forum about safety initiatives on campus and expanded risk-management efforts. Staff, faculty, and students are welcome.

Wednesday, March 26
Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

The Augsburg College Staff Senate hosts monthly open forums to foster dialog on important matters across campus.

Community Engagement Fair March 25

In an effort to provide opportunities to staff, faculty and students to get involved with the greater community, we are bringing to campus several organizations. During the fair, find out what these organization do and consider supporting them through volunteer time.

We also want to remind benefit-eligible staff they might be able to use Community Service Leave time for organizations such as these attending the fair. Please join us and bring your questions and suggestions.

Tuesday, March 25
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Christensen Center Lobby

Attending organizations:

  • Campus Kitchen
  • Redeemer Center for Life / Venture North BWC
  • Trinity Lutheran Congregation
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Feed My Starving Children
  • Second Harvest
  • Project for Pride in Living

Supported by Staff Senate and Sabo Center for Citizenship and Learning. Email with any questions or comments to